TSRC Challenge 4

Welcome to the fourth challenge in the Teen Summer Reading Challenge

We want you to emulate a character you admire from a book you've read for the TSRC or from books you've read before. 
In order to qualify for two extra points toward the grand prize draw, you must tell us how you plan to emulate this character. 
It can be a single trait or skill. Is this character a piano player, a pacifist, are they brave, maybe a martial artist, have they memorized pi to 100 digits? Use what inspires you to guide you. 

Know what you are going to do? 
Send the following information to programs@marigold.ab.ca

  • Your Name
  • Your Home Library
  • Your TRAC Library Card Number
  • Your Character
  • Their Trait
  • How You Plan to Emulate it

*The word emulate in this case means to imitate/copy a character's trait/skill to work towards learning it yourself*