Marigold Teen Zine Writing Contest!

****[Closed]**** Check back again next summer!
Teens are invited to submit their own creative works to the Summer Teen Zine!
Accepted works include but are not limited to: photography, short stories, poetry or comic strips. 

Contest Rules
Participants must be between 12 and 17 years old and have a current TRAC Library Card. Submissions should not exceed three pages, though exceptions will be made for longer works. 
Acceptable Works:

Photography — Want a picture you've taken featured in our Zine? Send it in, and get the chance to be the cover image! 

Poetry — Any poets out there? There are many, many different types of poetry you can try your hand at! Some styles to look into include: blackout poetry, Haikus, Limericks, acrostics, free verse... You might also want to think about the number of syllables in a line and the rhyme pattern (or lack thereof). 

Stories  Try your hand at writing a story. Some genres to think of include adventure stories, science fiction, comedies, mysteries, and fairy tales, to name a few.

Reviews  Want to embrace your inner critic or let people know about something awesome? Write a review! Whether that be of a fictitious restaurant, of a movie, book, or place you've been, we want to hear about it!

Comic strips  Also a talented artist? Put those skills to the test and make a comic strip!

Scripts  Got an idea for a movie or play that the world needs to see? Write the script! 

Contest Dates
Registration opens June 27th and will be open the duration of the contest

How to Submit
First register for our TeenZine, and Submit with you Name, Age and your submission (Don't forget to title it). 
By registering you will receive a digital copy of the TeenZine to your email.